LEO - The Programmable Robot

Leo is a STEM coding robot kit for beginners, moderates, and specialists that makes instructing and learning robot coding easy and exciting. Simply with a screwdriver, and bit by bit directions, and a master syllabus, children can fabricate a robot without any preparation and experience the delights of hands-on creation. As they get along, they will find out about an assortment of mechanical apparatus and electronic parts, will grasp the essentials of block-based programming as well as C++, and build their logical thinking to the next level.

Find More About Leo !
Obstacle Avoiding Mode
Block Coding
Voice Control Mode
Bluetooth Control Mode
Line Follower Mode
C++ Coding

What We Offer

Why 6,200+ parents chose us?

We Belive In

Authentic Engagement

Perhaps the most ideal alternative to connect with your kid and keep him/her away from the TV and Video games. Yearly Robotics Competitions/Exhibitions make them fabricate Robots energetically and joyfully!!!


Towards Future

Taking part in a future-based learning action like Robotics, Drone, IoT, VR, AI, and Android is valuable for the kid's future as well. Youngster learns Science, Mathematics, and Coding in a good way with different Robots.

We Belive In

Improving Skill Set

The inventiveness of the kid increments having learned Electronics and Coding-which springs up utilizing their very own Robots. Displaying camaraderie and cutthroat abilities on occasions like Robotics Competition/Exhibitions profoundly improves their logical & Competitive Skills.

Your Kid Will Develop

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Logical Thinking
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Electronics Skills
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Coding Skills
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Communication Skills

Reviews And Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can enroll in these courses?

Our courses are designed for the young enthusiasts of age group 7-18 who get fascinated by science, technologies, and robotization.

2. Who teaches these courses?

Our courses are made and taught by experts who have deep knowledge in the field of electronic automation.

3.What modes of payment are

All Online Modes of Payments Are accepted.

4.What is your teaching methodology?

We have explanatory videos, and are based on "doing while watching". Thus, the kid may refer to the videos and build the project step-by-step as instructed by adding their creativity.

5.What are the material requirements while following this course?

A desktop computer/laptop/tablet with a stable internet connection is enough for the kid to kick-start.

6.Will my child be able to understand Programming and such complex concepts?

Yes, and that's special about Robomonkee. Honestly, we don't aim our teaching by one single method. The method that suits best for the child is our priority. No worry about the complexities, they are broken into chains, and after learning it individually, we connect all those chains.